Stories that are moving, funny and truly surprising

Watch the real life stories behind Falmouth and Cornwall residents tattoos, featuring students from Falmouth university, Falmouth town residents, members of the armed forces.

As an important part of the development of the Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed exhibition, we wanted to engage with as many of our wide and diverse audiences as possible – not just to create a platform for their voices, perceptions and stories but to help shape the exhibition itself.

Tattoos presented us with a perfect opportunity to do this.

Working with Storylines, a community interest company who specialise in recording and presenting community history, and Rosie Kliskey, a Cornwall-based photographic artist, we approached four key community groups and asked them to share the stories behind their tattoos – stories that are moving, funny and truly surprising.

Tattoo Tales was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England through its Major Partner Museums programme. It is part of the Endeavour Collections Stories project in partnership with Royal Museums Greenwich.

Like this? Want to know more?

There are more Tattoo Tales and exclusive photography in the 1st issue of our annual journal Fathom.

Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed is at The National Maritime Museum Cornwall until 7 January 2017.