A celebration of model engineering in Cornwall. See stunning models, expert live demonstrations and get involved with activities for all ages

 The Model Engineering Showcase will be an exciting event bringing together members of Cornwall’s varied and diverse modelling community and providing an exclusive spectacle for visitors to the Museum. Come along and see the full spectrum of model engineering, from steam locomotives and model boat building through to the more modern gadgets including aeroplanes and helicopters. There is an action-packed programme planned with exhibits from over 15 clubs and societies who will be present displaying their work. In total nearly 200 models will be on display. There will also be a range of modelling activities on offer for visitors including plastic kit make and take sessions and the popular museum scrapheap challenge. This is a great day out for all the family, one the children will love with all the working models. If you are interested in modelling yourself or want to rekindle your childhood memories, you will find something amongst the many diverse types of modelling on display to admire. If you are not already a modeller hopefully the exhibition will fire your imagination to build something yourself and enjoy one of these satisfying hobbies.

Clubs and societies attending include:

There will also be a trade stand and demonstrations from Axminster tools.

“We are delighted that this Model Engineering Showcase is returning to the Maritime Museum in Falmouth and that its scope has widened from boats and ships to new sections on aero engineering and model railways. It presents a golden opportunity for anyone of any age who has the slightest hint of an interest in model engineering to learn what is happening in Cornwall all the year round, put the date in your diary now” said Pat Howard of NMMC Modellers Unit.

The doors are open from 10 am to 5 pm both days and entry to this fantastic event is included with your admission ticket, valid for a year!