Tales of Oshi, the Cornish Sea Sprite – Easter holiday activities

Story Time with Oshi

Story Time with Oshi is a live online Zoom session. The event will be held on Friday 9th April 2021 at 11am. The session will be hosted by the National Maritime Museum Cornwall and presented by actors playing the role of Oshi and Dr Morwenna Morvoren.

By registering for this free event you give consent to your child taking part in this online session; you agree to read the following safeguarding document and take the recommended steps to keep your child safe online. You also consent to session being recorded and made available on our website nmmc.co.uk.

The purpose of this safeguarding document is to:

We believe that children and adults at risk should be able to use the internet for education and personal development but that safeguards need to be in place to ensure they are kept safe at all times.

We recognise that:

We will take all possible steps to ensure that children, young people and vulnerable persons engaging with our programmes are kept safe by:

We require you as the parent, carer, teacher or group leader to take all possible steps to ensure the children, young people and vulnerable persons engaging with our sessions are kept safe by:

For this session, the host will have control over video and audio settings. Your video and microphone will automatically be switched off. There will be opportunities to ask questions, when this happens you will be given the option to turn your microphone and/ or video on. You do not have to turn your video or audio on at any time and you may still ask questions through the Q&A option. If you chose to have your video on you must be aware that you will be visible to other members of the public and that this session will be recorded. The host has overriding control of video and audio and will stop any inappropriate conduct.

In the event of an incident we will:

If you have any concerns please contact us at: enquiries@nmmc.co.uk.