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What’s been happening – Roof Repair Project 2025

A photograph of a Tower covered in scaffolding
A photograph of a Tower covered in scaffolding

We were awarded an Arts Council Museum Estate and Development grant to undertake a comprehensive approach to repair some significant leaks. The Museum’s roof has leaked for a long time, it has sometimes meant we’ve had more buckets catching drips than boats on display.

We knew that the work would be very disruptive, so we took the difficult decision to fully close the Museum for the duration of the main works.

During the six-week closure the Museum has replaced its entire roofing system, increased drainage and improved weatherproofing and insulation. Alongside these major structural repairs, the Museum has also carried out a number of other works to replace and repair high-level windows, upgrade gallery spaces and improve access.

When the Museum reopens on Saturday 15 February, some external works will continue. The Museum team expect these to be completed by the end of March 2025.

We’d like to extend our thanks to all our visitors for bearing with us whilst we completed these important upgrades.

A full closure gave us the opportunity to undertake lots of other vital work at the same time:

Two logos. One for Arts Council England and one for the UK Government.

National Maritime
Museum Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
Falmouth Cornwall
TR11 3QY

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Tel: +44(0)1326 313388


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National Maritime Museum
Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
TR11 3QY

Tel: +44(0)1326 313388Please note our phone line is currently down - 24 March 2025.
