A modern master chooses his exhibition highlights

Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed features over 400 artefacts and artworks including memorabilia donated by legend Alex Binnie from his iconic shop ‘Into You’ (now sadly closed) described by Alex as the first real custom tattoo shop in London. ‘It’s a recent history if you will,’ says Alex of his section of the exhibition.

Alex also curates a selection of original artwork that features his edit of British-born tattooists that provides a personal snapshot of art they are doing outside of tattooing, including Duncan X and Curly, who both worked at ‘Into You.’

Like this? Want to know more?

A full interview with Alex Binnie features in issue 1 of our annual journal Fathom alongside exclusive photography and insights from the exhibition.

ttoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed is at The National Maritime Museum Cornwall until 7 January 2017.