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An exterior photo of the Museum and part of Falmouth Marina and the docks.

Being a passenger
Pleasure cruisers operate throughout the year around Falmouth harbour and the Carrick Roads. Details can be found from Fal River Links – tel: 01326 861910

Learning and hiring
The best way to start in boats is to find a friend who will take you out. Sailing clubs are very welcoming and will usually find berths for inexperienced crew who can be put to work. Sailing schools also run ‘taster’ sessions. If you want to learn how to sail or powerboat then look for an RYA course. There are lots of sailing schools around Falmouth. Some specialise in yachts and larger boats, some in smaller boats:

Mainly small boats:

Mainly yachts and larger boats:

Visiting yachts
You may anchor in the harbour or berth at local marinas, including:

National Maritime
Museum Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
Falmouth Cornwall
TR11 3QY

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See our opening hours

Tel: +44(0)1326 313388

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National Maritime Museum
Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
TR11 3QY

Tel: +44(0)1326 313388
