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Groups (10+)
Children (Under 18s)
Children (Under 5s)


Pay once, get in free for a year!

On paying the admission fee you will receive an Annual Pass which allows you to return as many times as you wish for the following 12 months. Many people only visit us once in a year but through Gift Aid, offering annual passes in this way allows us to treat your ticket fee as a donation and therefore increases funding for our charitable work.

All children (under 16) must be accompanied by an adult. Companions who are required to assist disabled visitors are admitted free of charge.

Please become a Gift Aid visitor

You will also be offered the opportunity to Gift Aid your entrance fee. Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your entrance fee to the charity – at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, we can reclaim the basic rate tax on your entrance fee, giving the Museum an additional 25% towards our charitable work.

Annual Pass – terms and conditions


If you would like to support our work and enjoy a wealth of other benefits, please join us as a Member. For more information see the membership page.

Education groups

There is a special discount for pre-booked education groups. Please see our education section for information.

National Maritime
Museum Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
Falmouth Cornwall
TR11 3QY

View Map
See our opening hours

Tel: +44(0)1326 313388*


*Please note, our phone line is currently out of operation 24 March 25.

Book now

National Maritime Museum
Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
TR11 3QY

Tel: +44(0)1326 313388Please note our phone line is currently down - 24 March 2025.
