17 March 2017 – 7 January 2018 – NOW CLOSED

Step into the sights and sounds of one the greatest survival feats in British maritime history

This exhibition tells the story of Captain Bligh, challenging the Hollywood depiction of the famous mutiny on HMS Bounty. In April 1789 Bligh and his loyal men were cast adrift mid-ocean in the Bounty’s 23 foot launch in the expectation they would die. In a remarkable feat of seamanship, Bligh sailed the heavily overloaded launch to safety across 3600 nautical miles of open sea from Tonga to Timor, in the East Indies. Our exhibition brings to life this survival story, featuring relics from the voyage and a specially built reproduction of the Bounty launch.

Go to the Captain Bligh: Myth, Man and Mutiny exhibition page for more video and images