With over 50,000 Deaf people using BSL as their first language in the UK, providing written information, or using subtitles in films, may not be enough to ensure their understanding as written English is not their first language.

To help overcome this the Museum has worked closely with the Heritage Ability project, to develop a number of short BSL film tours.

National Maritime Museum Cornwall

The new BSL tours consist of several short 60-90 second film clips, created and presented by a Heritage Ability volunteer BSL signer. The videos are accessed via a tablet available from the front desk and can be viewed while travelling around the Museum.

Heritage Ability is a three-year initiative, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, created to support over 20 sites across the South West to become more accessible for people with disabilities and Deaf people using BSL.

Please ask at the admissions desk or a member of the team to use the tablet. If you would like to book it in advance of your visit call 01326 313388 or email enquiries@nmmc.co.uk