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Toddler Takeover Day 2024

A small child looks at the camera, surrounded by toys.
A small child looks at the camera, surrounded by toys.

Here’s how you can join in…

Museum Trail

10am – 12.30pm

Join our interactive trail to learn about the different and important jobs needed to run the Museum. Show us how you’d run things in our toy shop, get building by our workshop and pop on your lab coat to explore the objects on display.

There will be lots to do including playing in Skull Island, dressing up in the RNLI Rescue Zone and discovering musical instruments in the Tidal Zone.

Minnows Tales

11am – 11.30am

Drop in for a lively half hour of stories, songs and rhymes. Led by our experienced storytelling volunteer Marilyn.

Boat Making

11.30am – 12pm

Get crafting and make your own boat to sail across our Boat Pool. During this time our Boat Pool will be reserved especially for our budding Museum Managers!

It’s free!

The Toddler Takeover Day activities are FREE as part of the Museum’s annual admission fee. Pay once and get in free for a year.

An illustration of a pink woolly mammoth with people admiring it.

National Maritime
Museum Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
Falmouth Cornwall
TR11 3QY

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See our opening hours

Tel: +44(0)1326 313388


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National Maritime Museum
Cornwall Trust
Discovery Quay
TR11 3QY

Tel: +44(0)1326 313388Please note our phone line is currently down - 24 March 2025.
